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Zeena Kareem Gihad
Sabreen G. Ghazal
Khmaeel Qbaid
Hanan Saad


The study aims to investigate Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and Toll-like receptor-7 (TLR-7) in chronic kidney disease infections in Babylon province. To achieve this goal, collect 480 (blood  and urine) samples to each patients and control from many hospitals and outside laboratory in Babylon province (340 patients and 140 from normal person as control group). Samples were collected from the period from 1 of December 2023 to 1 November 2024. And there age between ≥20 years and ≤50 years.  ((Conventional Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) used to detect EBV and the Single Specific Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction (SSP-PCR), which can detect a known SNP in TLR-7.)) The result of the current study showed the distribution of samples according to the age of  CKD patients and control with viral infections, the highest frequency  was in age group A4 (26%) and the lowest frequency was in age group A2 (14%). While the distribution of control showed that the highest frequency was in age group A4 (22%) and the lowest frequency was in age group A4(24%). All age group were selected in order to ensure comparable frequency distribution. Chi-square = 1.894,4 and  P value = 0.772 among study groups  according to age distribution. The EBV DNA has been detected in  PCR among CKD patients and control were classified by gender. the positive EBV DNA was detected in (89%) male and (86%) female patients respectively. And the positive EBV DNA was detected in (3%) male and (11%) female control. Chi-square = 278.3,3 ; P value = 0,0001 among male and female according to detection and distribution. The TLR-7 genotype frequency distribution patients and control groups is shown as follow: GG (28.13%), GA (42.5%) and AA (29.38%).While in control subjects was: GG (27.5%), GA (40%) and AA(32.5%).Chi-square =0.165; P value = 0.925 among patients and control group according to TLR-7 genotype detection and distribution.

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How to Cite
Gihad, Z. K., Ghazal, S. G., Qbaid, K. ., & Saad, H. (2025). IMMUNOGENETIC DETECTION OF EBV AND TLR7 IN CKD IN BABYLON PROVINCE. Journal of Scientific Research in Medical and Biological Sciences, 6(1), 17-25.