Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Presenting as Bilateral Ovarian Masses in an Adolescent

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Paapa Dasari
Nitin M


Hypothyroidism can cause significant reproductive morbidity and its association with ovarian cyst formation is rare and when it occurs in children, it is referred to as Van Wyk and Grumbach syndrome. An 18-year-old girl was referred to our emergency services with suspicion of torsion ovarian cyst with USG findings as she had pain abdomen and vomiting of 3 days duration. She was provisionally prepared for laparoscopic surgery but on revaluation by USG bilateral thecaleutein cysts measuring 7x6.8x3.5 cms (right) and 10x6.8 x3.2 cms (left) were diagnosed. Her TSH level was 483 mI U/L . On probing she revealed past history of diagnosis of hypothyroidism and discontinuation of thyroxin therapy after taking for 6 months. Her anti TPO antibodies were >1300 IU/mL. USG thyroid revealed features suggestive of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. She was counselled and started on thyroxin therapy with a dose of 4µg/kg and after 2 months of follow up the ovarian cysts have regressed and ovaries appeared normal on USG.

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How to Cite
Dasari, P., M, N., & Thiyagarajan, C. (2021). Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Presenting as Bilateral Ovarian Masses in an Adolescent. Journal of Scientific Research in Medical and Biological Sciences, 2(2), 81-85. https://doi.org/10.47631/jsrmbs.v2i2.253
Case Report
Author Biographies

Nitin M, Dept of OBGY, JIPMER Puducherry, India

Junior Resident,

Dept of OBGY,

JIPMER Puducherry.


Chitra , Dept of OBGY, JIPMER Puducherry, India

Additional Professor,

Dept of OBGY,

JIPMER Puducherry.