Language Assessment of the Literacy Level of Ethiopian EFL Instructors: A Focus on South West Ethiopian Public Universities
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate Language Assessment literacy (LAL) level of EFL instructors who are teaching communicative English language courses in three South West Ethiopian public higher educational institutions.
Approach/Methodology/Design: The study employed a descriptive research design, which involves quantitative data gathering tool. Accordingly, a questionnaire was used to collect the appropriate data. The target population of the study was 42 Male and 9 female totally 51 instructors who were teaching Communicative English Language Skills courses in Jimma university, Wollega university and Mizan Tepi universities, and all of these instructors were chosen as samples of the study through comprehensive sampling technique
Results: For measuring the instructors’ Language assessment literacy level, an Assessment Literacy Test (ALT) consisting of 59 items with eight components was given for all 51 instructors. There score in assessment literacy test rests between minimum of 26 and maximum of 44.
Conclusions: Though their performance is average and low in some of the components of assessment literacy their overall performance is above average.
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