Beliefs and Practices in the Implementation of Performance Tasks (PETAs): Basis for the Development of Enhancement Program
Purpose: The study aimed to determine the respondents’ beliefs and practices in the implementation of PETAs.
Approach/Methodology/Design: This is a quantitative study wherein statistical treatments such as mean and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) are utilized. A self-made questionnaire was used that underwent a validity and reliability test. The participants of this study were selected from the seven Senior High School with a tertiary level in the University belt area in the city of Manila.
Findings: Results indicated that the commonly held beliefs of the respondents are consistent with the premises of PETAs described by Department of Education and by the literature reviewed in this study. This shows that teachers implement PETAs that are real-life applications of learning. Even though there are difficulties in implementing this type of assessment the respondents apply it in their classes not only because it is mandated by the Department of Education but because they have high beliefs in PETAs being a valid and meaningful way to assess learning.
Practical Implications: The study can serve as a basis for the development of an enhancement program for proper implementation and management of PETAs for senior high school teachers.
Originality/value: Much research may have been conducted regarding PETAs particularly in the foreign setting, but there is much dearth of literature on this topic in the Philippines particularly in the Senior High School setting. It is expected that most of the research efforts of the Department of Education will focus on studying the many aspects of the K to 12 programs such as the efficacy of the curriculum and instruction. Interestingly, the implementation of the PETAs could be one of those aspects that need empirical data for policymaking in the future.
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