The Role of Teachers’ Digital Communication Skills in the Success of the Distance Learning Process in Private Universities in Lebanon

Violla Makhzoum, Amine Berri, Zeinab Ajami


Purpose: This research study aims to examine the role of effective digital communication skills in the success of the distance learning process in the private universities in Lebanon. It also addresses the role of the teacher in motivating the students and acting as a facilitator to bridge the digital divide.

Approach/Methodology/Design: To achieve the goal of this research, a descriptive approach was adopted. Six private universities were selected as a sample for the study and they were selected randomly. A questionnaire was developed as a tool for data collection. To verify the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, we used the Cronbach coefficient test (Cronbach’s alpha). The researchers distributed 300 questionnaires to respondents from the selected private universities.  Only 137 teachers responded, or (45.6%) of the total questionnaires distributed. For statistical analysis, the researchers used SPSS version 20.0.

Findings: The results of the study revealed that private universities in Lebanon were ready to handle online teaching during the CoViD-19 pandemic. The respondents indicated their ability to handle the newly- emerging digital technologies to tackle crisis.  It is found out that the arithmetic average rate related to the extent of the role that the teacher plays in the success of the distance learning process is (3.80)with a “strong” degree. The arithmetic average rate of the teacher's possession of the skill of effective communication was (3.69), with a “strong” degree. As for the teacher’s role in the process of motivation, the average of the arithmetic mean was 3.59 with a “strong” degree, but it is closer to an “average” than to a “strong” degree.

Practical Implications: The study presents various implications for different stakeholders; it principally addresses a crucial recent issue, and thus serves as a source for teachers and administrators. The results of the study open new venues for further research on online learning.

Originality/value: The success of online learning is dependent on digital literacy. The familiarity with the new technological means that emerged during 2020 contributes to the success


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Violla Makhzoum (Primary Contact)
Amine Berri
Zeinab Ajami
Makhzoum, V., Berri, A. ., & Ajami, Z. . (2021). The Role of Teachers’ Digital Communication Skills in the Success of the Distance Learning Process in Private Universities in Lebanon. Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 2(1), 16-30.

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