Role of Fertilization with Poultry Manuar and Dry Yeast on Yield Characteristics for Two Pepper Varieties Under Conditions Mosul City

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Elaf Khudair Ali
Kamal Benyamin Esho
Esraa Abd-Alhuseein Jasim


The study was carried out in the vegetable crops research field of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape design, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul during  season spring 2023 , to study Role of fertilization with poultry manuar and dry yeast on yield characteristics for two pepper varieties under conditions mosul  city. The study included three factors, the first factor, which is Two types of pepper (California wonder MM75 and Sweet pepper Bloq IMP F1), and the second factor is organic fertilizer from poultry manure e at three concentrations, which are (0, 1.5, and 2) tons/donum, and the third is spraying with dry baker’s yeast at three concentrations, which are (0, 5, and 10 g/ l.) liter. The results obtained were that the bloq IMP F1 variety was significantly superior to the second variety in the characteristics of number of fruits per unit, weight of fruit, and total yield per unit area. The level of organic fertilizer and poultry waste, 1.5 tons per dunum, had the best significant values ​​in the characteristics of the number of fruits per plant and the weight of the fruit. Spraying with a concentration of 10 grams per liter of dry baking yeast also had the best significant values ​​in the characteristics of the number of fruits per plant, the yield per plant, and the total yield, tons per unit area. The binary interaction treatment between organic fertilizer, poultry waste, 2 tons per dunum, and 10 grams per liter of yeast achieved the highest significant values ​​in the characteristics of the number of fruits per plant. The interaction between poultry waste fertilizer of 1.5 tons per dunum and the Bloq IMP F1 variety had significant values ​​in the characteristics of the number of fruits per plant, weight of the fruit, and total yield per unit area. The best results came from an interaction between dry baking yeast at a concentration of 10 grams per liter and the Bloq IMP F1 variety for the characteristics of fruit weight, yield per plant, and total yield per unit area compared with the rest of the binary interaction treatments.

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How to Cite
Ali, E. K., Esho, K. B. ., & Jasim, E. A.-A. (2024). Role of Fertilization with Poultry Manuar and Dry Yeast on Yield Characteristics for Two Pepper Varieties Under Conditions Mosul City . Journal of Scientific Research in Medical and Biological Sciences, 5(2), 69-82.