Implementation of Capital Expenditure Accounting Based on Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 at The Manado City Tourism Service

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Eunike Amelia Palendeng
Jenny Morasa
Lady Diana Latjandu


The importance of regional financial management is not only reflected in efforts to achieve administrative efficiency, but is also a reflection of the implementation of the regional economy. This research aims to determine whether the application of capital expenditure accounting at the Manado City Tourism Office is appropriate or not based on Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019. The type of research used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach utilizing data obtained from documentation and interviews. The research results show that the Manado City Tourism Office has ensured that the assets acquired have a useful life of more than 12 months and are recorded on an accrual basis. The breakdown of capital expenditure into 6 categories and inclusive reporting are also in accordance with established provisions. This shows that the implementation of capital expenditure accounting at the Manado City Tourism Office is in accordance with the criteria set out in PP No. 12 of 2019 and SAP regarding Capital Expenditures in 2022.

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How to Cite
Palendeng, E. A., Morasa, J. ., & Latjandu, L. D. (2024). Implementation of Capital Expenditure Accounting Based on Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 at The Manado City Tourism Service. Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Administrative Sciences, 5(1), 46-56.