A Contrastive Phonosemantic Research of Selected Advertising Titles on YouTube Platform


  • Hussain Hameed Mayuuf University of Babylon-College of Education for Human Science
  • Zainab Kareem Ati University of Babylon-College of Education for Human Science




Phonosemantics, Advertising, Contrastive, Youtub, Sound Symbolism


This research investigates the phonosemantics characteristics of ads titles on YouTube in both Arabic and English. Phonosemantics studies the relationship between sounds (phonetics) of nature in words, and meaning contrasts. In the same frame of phonosemantics as Pramod Kumar Agrawal, this study delves into aural vocabulary essentially sound effects that impose an emotion on the audience and makes them respond in some manner. By analyzing popular commercial ads titles, this research aims to find auditory patterns and the emotional consequences that they have. Based on these findings, specific types of phonetics ( muted or very loud sounds among them) might evoke varied emotional responses in people. For example, soothing sounds can lead to relaxation whereas annoying ones will create eagerness or sense of urgency. This study supports the use of phonosemantic elements by discussing the function of sound in advertising and how these elements might enhance brand communication and stimulate online customer interaction.




How to Cite

Mayuuf , H. H., & Ati, Z. K. (2024). A Contrastive Phonosemantic Research of Selected Advertising Titles on YouTube Platform. International Journal of English and Comparative Literary Studies , 5(6), 37-42. https://doi.org/10.47631/ijecls.v5i6.876